Sunday, September 7, 2008

And I only shop at reputable stores!

Canada? No, of course not!

As the days (and days, and days) pass in which I arise each morning to a hysterical Toby in those darn shorts on the phone, the more I felt that a pair for myself would be the only respectable thing to do. My only regret is that I didn't have lavender houndstooth. And we're also not going to discuss why I had roughly 5 yards of houndstooth on hand.

After 9 days of fraud-induced hysterics, do you think Toby's face will stick this way?

As you can clearly see, these are every bit as flattering as the original.


Maria the Librarian said...

It is difficult to explain in human language how completely made of awesome this is.

Gold-Digging Nanny said...

Oh, wow! They even bunch in the same horrible way!

I am most impressed.

Jeremymlad said...

Dies. Dies dead of laughter. And it ain't no pretty laugh, neither.

Maureen said...

Shorts and top are spot-on accurate. A sewing genius!

Haley said...

They look a lot better on you than they do on her!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing. AMAZING.

Aviatrix said...

That's terrifying. Brilliantly so.

flapjack sue said...

You have no idea how many times I've stood weeping in my closet, desperate for a kicky outfit that says "Hey, who's that sassy gal-about-town?" and cursing myself for subscribing to such fads as "Non-day-glo jeans" and "sweaters without bizarre graphics." Well done, miss.